Phoebe’s 100 word challenge

One day bella was walking along the sea shore. She saw a gigntic tree she desided to climb it and she realised she had climbed something else it was Godzilla.She screamed out loud and she fell down godzilla she ran back to the shore and asked for help.Then she ran back to the godzilla and climbed up him again and then he ate her but bella was still in her full body.She was trying to find a way out and then she said

“what was that sound.”
It was the sound of a terrifying fiery fire.She grabbed on to the skin and godzilla spat her out of his mouth she ran back home and had a shower and went to bed.

100 word challenge by Phoebe

As I was making a littlest pet shop video I heard
Rustling in the leaves “what was that?”
I looked outside nothing I got my dressing gown on and got my shovel and there was a baby fox and wolf I called for my mom she ran outside to me
“Oh my what cutes, let’s bring them in”
“yeah it least it nearly Christmas time so it will be a surprise for the kids and family.”
The next morning was can you believe it, it is Christmas. My family came in and saw the animals they screamed
We opened our presents and one of my presents was outside it was a horse!!!!


a story about a bottle….

When I woke up I suddenly could see again but I felt like I had just been hit by a car and in hospital  but no I was at home in my comfrey bed and on the side of the bed was a bottle I said ” a bottle why a bottle on the side of MY bed” I was confused. I could not get up I was about to get breakfast but I could not I was angry was supposed to post the post in the post-box but I was worried that my mom would walk in and say ” why aren’t you up” like she does in the morning but she didn’t walk in my DAD DID in stead but when he walked in I could get up rushed to get up and walk I  rushed like no tomorrow but I was so happy that I can get up so I went up stairs and grabbed the bottle I put some in my bottle and I drank it it tasted like milk and eggs mix to gather in water and I went down stairs to tell my mom I said ” Hey mom I just drank a liquid in a bottle” and I got back ”Phoebe’s had a long nap” so I went back up stairs and went into MY bathroom and I could not see my self in the mirror oh the bottle was a potion but what tipe a invisible potion no,what if I am still sleeping or am I dead?

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